TRANSFER DTF - the simplest possible way of marking clothing.

Transfer DTF

To transfer drukowany na roli o szerokości 60 cm. Zamawiasz go na metry. Wydruk drukowany jest na wstędze o szerokości 60cm. Szerokość zadruku folii to 57cm. Transfer drukowany jest z wykorzystaniem pigmentowych atramentów w kolorach CMYK. Stosowane farby posiadają Oekotex Eco Passport. Transfery standardowo wykończone są klejem poliuretanowym – nadającym transferom dużą elastyczność oraz miękki chwyt.


The water-based pigment inks used for printing our transfers are OEKOTEX ECO PASSPORT certified. DTF transfers are only available in CMYK colors.


Transfers are supplied on cold peel PET film carrier as standard. Ask your account manager about the possibility of using other media.

Best Quality Print

Our transfers are a quality in themselves. They have a wide tonal range, the best print quality, without discoloration, stripes, or graininess.

Prepare the file in the graphics programs

  • Przygotuj grafiki: usuń tło, nadaj im odpowiednie wymiary, upewnij się że ich rozdzielczość to nie mniej niż 300dpi, a paleta kolorystyczna to CMYK 8 bit. W przypadku grafik wektorowych zadbaj aby wszystkie czcionki były przekształcone w krzywe.
  • Download a template appropriate for your graphics program.
  • For the print area field wypełnionego niebieskim kolorem o wymiarach 57x100cm, ułóż przygotowane wcześniej grafiki (Uwaga: nie stosuj odbicia lustrzanego).
  • The minimum allowable line thickness is 1mm. In case the graphic does not meet this requirement: 1. All smaller elements may not be printed; 2. White underprint may be visible at the edges of the graphic; 3. Elements may not be sufficiently underprinted, which may result in application problems.
  • Please do not prepare formats in sizes longer than 100cm, this may result in a change in the print size
  • Save the prepared layout as a TIFF file (LZW compression)

DTFtransfer.com does not consider complaints regarding improperly prepared files by the customer.

Prepare the file in the online creator

If you do not have a graphics program, we give you the opportunity to use our online graphic creator, which will allow you to easily create a templates for DTF printing.

See how DTF Transfer is printed

Professional production lines allow us to print your transfers in the highest quality

Orders up to 5m

Shiped in 24 hours

World wide


Best Quality Print

printing at 720×1440 dpi

Excelent optical

white coverage

Opinions of our customers

See how our current customers rate us

Hello, my opinion about cooperation with this company is extremely positive. It is based on professional and very friendly service. I highly recommend it

Ewa Wawrzyniak

Excellent print quality and very friendly, collaborative communication. Our new number one in transfer printing.

Christian Wenzl

The company communicated excellently from the first contact. I needed some guidance regarding laser printing. The printing was perfect.

Ewa Berchulska

If someone is looking for transfers of the HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY, they have found the perfect place - unbeatable quality, short lead times, and great prices. All you have to do is place an order :)

Tomek Bednarczyk

Completion dates

1-5 rmMost Popular


6-20 rmMost Popular


21-50 rmMost Popular


51+ rmMost Popular


The indicated delivery times apply to working days (weekends, non-working days are not included) - it is counted from the moment of sending the correct graphic file (templates) to the date of shipment of the order.

Do you want to speed up your order? Contact us

Free sample

Before the first order, we always recommend our new client to order a free sample to test our DTF transfers.

Pricelist for every running metter

Order more and save

The price list is based on the EURO currency. The price expressed in other currencys is calculated on current EURO exchange rate according to OFX (OZ Forex). Ordered number of meters within one order - are added up. Order several different templates in one order. If the total number of meters from different templates exceeds the established quantitative thresholds, the discount will be calculated automatically.

1-19 rmMost Popular38,58 


20-49 rmMost Popular36,43 


100+ rmMost Popular29,99 



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

DTF (direct-to-film), which means direct printing on film. The DTF printing process is a new textile printing technology.

If you do not have a graphics program, we give you the opportunity to use our online graphic creator, which will allow you to easily create a templates for DTF printing.

Prepare your graphics by removing the background, giving them the appropriate dimensions, making sure their resolution is not less than 300dpi, and that the color palette is in CMYK.

  • Download a template appropriate for your graphics program.
  • For the print area field wypełnionego niebieskim kolorem o wymiarach 57x100cm, ułóż przygotowane wcześniej grafiki (Uwaga: nie stosuj odbicia lustrzanego).
  • The minimum allowable line thickness is 1mm. In case the graphic does not meet this requirement:
    • wszystkie mniejsze elementy mogą nie zostać wydrukowane;
    • biały poddruk może być widoczny na krawędziach grafiki;
    • elementy nie zostaną wystarczająco poddrukowane, co może skutkować problemami z aplikacją.
  • Please do not prepare mock-ups in sizes longer than 100cm, this may result in a change of print size.
  • Save the prepared layout as a TIFF file (LZW compression)

DTFtransfer.com does not consider complaints regarding improperly prepared files by the customer.

Production lines
Printed film
Customers worldwide

How to apply DTF transfer

Easy and simple application method

15 seconds


medium pressure

cold peel
