DTF (direct-to-film), which means direct printing on film. The DTF printing process is a new textile printing technology.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is DTF printing
Prepare the file in the online creator
If you do not have a graphics program, we give you the opportunity to use our online graphic creator, which will allow you to easily create a templates for DTF printing.
Prepare the file in the graphics programs
Prepare your graphics by removing the background, giving them the appropriate dimensions, making sure their resolution is not less than 300dpi, and that the color palette is in CMYK.
- Download a template appropriate for your graphics program.
- For the print area field wypełnionego niebieskim kolorem o wymiarach 57x100cm, ułóż przygotowane wcześniej grafiki (Uwaga: nie stosuj odbicia lustrzanego).
- The minimum allowable line thickness is 1mm. In case the graphic does not meet this requirement:
- wszystkie mniejsze elementy mogą nie zostać wydrukowane;
- biały poddruk może być widoczny na krawędziach grafiki;
- elementy nie zostaną wystarczająco poddrukowane, co może skutkować problemami z aplikacją.
- Please do not prepare mock-ups in sizes longer than 100cm, this may result in a change of print size.
- Save the prepared layout as a TIFF file (LZW compression)
DTFtransfer.com does not consider complaints regarding improperly prepared files by the customer.