Terms and conditions


The online store DTFtransfer.com, operating at: https://dtftransfer.com, is managed by DTFtransfer.com sp. z o.o. with its registered office at: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów, with NIP number: 655-198-57-79 and KRS: 0001023088.

These Regulations of the online store define the rules for making purchases in the online store dtftransfer.com, in particular, the principles and procedures for concluding distance sales contracts through the Store, as well as the complaint procedure and the procedure for withdrawing from the contract by the Consumer.

In terms of services provided electronically, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in Article 9 of the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means of July 18, 2002 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended).

The regulations are addressed to all Customers of the Store. All Customers are required to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Regulations before making a purchase.

Each Customer is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations. Sales are made based on the version of the Regulations in effect at the time of placing the order.

Each Customer can familiarize themselves with the Regulations at any time by clicking on the "Store Regulations" hyperlink on the website of the store dtftransfer.com. The Regulations can be downloaded and printed at any time.

All information contained on the DTFtransfer.com website regarding products (including prices) does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1145, as amended), but an invitation to conclude a contract, pursuant to Article 71 of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1740, as amended). By sending the Order Form, the Customer makes an offer to purchase the specified Goods at the price and on the terms specified in the description.


  • Regulations – this collection of regulations organizing the rules for using the Services of the Store by Customers.
  • Consumer – a natural person concluding a civil law contract via the Store, not directly related to their business or professional activity.
  • Customer – a natural person (including a Consumer) who is at least 13 years old (provided that they have obtained the consent of their legal representative), a legal person, and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which specific provisions grant legal capacity, who uses the Services provided by the Store.
  • Order Form – a Service available on the Store's website, through which the Customer can make a purchase, in particular by adding Goods to the Cart and specifying certain terms of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.
  • Cart – an element of the Store where the Goods selected by the Customer are visible, and where the Customer has the option to set and modify the Order details, including the quantities of purchased Products.
  • Store – the website owned by the Seller, available under the domain: dtftransfer.com, through which the Customer can purchase Goods from the Seller.
  • Seller – DTFtransfer.com sp. z o.o. with its registered office at: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów, registered in the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court in Kielce, X Economic Department, under KRS number: 0001023088, NIP: 655-198-57-79, REGON: 524627124, which, conducting economic or professional activity, offers sales through its website.
  • Goods – a movable item that is the subject of the transaction between the Store and the Customer, the terms of which are defined by the Order Form.
  • Sales Agreement – a distance sales agreement for Goods concluded by the Customer via the Store, usually through the Order Form.
  • Regulations – this collection of regulations organizing the rules for using the Services of the Store by Customers.
  • Consumer – a natural person concluding a civil law contract via the Store, not directly related to their business or professional activity.
  • Customer – a natural person (including a Consumer) who is at least 13 years old (provided that they have obtained the consent of their legal representative), a legal person, and an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which specific provisions grant legal capacity, who uses the Services provided by the Store.
  • Order Form – a Service available on the Store's website, through which the Customer can make a purchase, in particular by adding Goods to the Cart and specifying certain terms of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.
  • Cart – an element of the Store where the Goods selected by the Customer are visible, and where the Customer has the option to set and modify the Order details, including the quantities of purchased Products.
  • Store – the website owned by the Seller, available under the domain: dtftransfer.com, through which the Customer can purchase Goods from the Seller.
  • Seller – DTFtransfer.com sp. z o.o. with its registered office at: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów, registered in the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court in Kielce, X Economic Department, under KRS number: 0001023088, NIP: 655-198-57-79, REGON: 524627124, which, conducting economic or professional activity, offers sales through its website.
  • Goods – a movable item that is the subject of the transaction between the Store and the Customer, the terms of which are defined by the Order Form.
  • Sales Agreement – a distance sales agreement for Goods concluded by the Customer via the Store, usually through the Order Form.


A condition for using the Store is familiarizing oneself with these Regulations and accepting them. By placing an order, the Customer accepts the content of the Regulations.

Orders from Customers are accepted via the submitted Order Form, made via the website: dtftransfer.com or via email at [email protected], 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Orders for Goods are fulfilled by selecting the Goods the Customer is interested in, clicking the "ADD TO CART" button located next to the description of the Goods, and then, from the “CART” located in the Store tab, filling out the Order Form, including selecting the form of delivery and payment, or choosing the option to pay on delivery if available for the selected Goods, and then clicking to confirm the purchase.

After placing an order, the Customer receives confirmation of the order sent to their email address provided in the Order Form.

After the Customer receives confirmation of the acceptance of the offer, the process of order fulfillment by the Seller begins, whereby:

  • In the case of an order paid on delivery – it starts at the latest the next business day after confirmation by the Seller.
  • In the case of an order paid by traditional bank transfer – it starts after the payment for the placed order is credited to the Store's bank account.

Orders placed in the Store are processed during the Store's working hours on business days, from Monday to Friday, between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Orders placed on business days after 3:00 PM, on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays will be processed the next business day.

The Customer will receive a message about the acceptance of the order for fulfillment, which is understood as a statement by the Seller of acceptance of the offer. Upon its receipt by the Customer, the Sales Agreement is concluded.

A VAT invoice is issued for each order.

The available means of communication for the Customer with the Store are:

  • a. Email – [email protected]
  • b. Phone – +48 882 510 444
  • c. WhatsApp – +48 882 510 444

The price stated in the order constitutes the total amount that the Customer is obliged to pay (gross price). It includes the applicable tax. The delivery cost is not included in the price, as it depends on the delivery method selected by the Customer.

The Seller reserves the right to change the prices in the Store, introduce new Goods for sale, conduct and cancel promotional campaigns, or introduce changes to them in accordance with applicable laws.

If the Consumer is obliged to pay more than the agreed price described in the previous paragraph, the Store will promptly inform the Consumer of this fact, explaining the reason for the price difference. The Consumer will be charged additional costs only after obtaining the Consumer's explicit consent.


The execution of the order shipment in the Store is carried out via a courier.

Orders placed in the Store are only processed on business days. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be processed the next business day.

The expected delivery time usually amounts to 3 business days. The waiting time includes the order fulfillment time, i.e., the collection of Goods for the order, and the expected delivery time, which is from 24 hours in the case of Poland.

The Seller is not responsible for delays caused by the carrier.

When receiving the package delivered by the courier, the Customer should check the contents and completeness of the shipment, the condition of the external packaging, and the condition of the ordered Goods in the courier's presence. In the case of damage to the shipment, the Customer should prepare a damage report with the courier in two identical copies signed by the Customer and the courier.

There is a possibility of personal pickup of the ordered Goods at the stationary Store located at: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów.


Within the Store, the following payment methods are available:

  • a. Online payments via payment platforms BlueMedia and PayPal;
  • b. Deferred payment after which the customer receives a VAT invoice with a payment deadline established by both parties;


The Seller is liable under warranty for physical and legal defects of the Goods, to the extent specified in Articles 556 and subsequent of the Civil Code of April 23, 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1145, as amended).

A physical defect of the Goods consists of non-compliance of the sold Goods with the contract, which occurs when:

  • a. the Goods do not have the properties they should have due to the purpose of the contract resulting from circumstances or intended use;
  • b. the Goods do not have the properties that the Seller assured the Customer;
  • c. the Goods are not suitable for the purpose that the Customer informed the Seller of when concluding the contract, and the Seller did not raise any objections regarding such purpose;

A legal defect of the Goods occurs when the Goods belong to a third party or are encumbered with the rights of a third party when the limitation on use or disposal results from a decision or ruling of a competent authority.

In the case of a Consumer, public assurances made by the manufacturer or the entity that introduces the Goods into circulation regarding its business activities or presenting itself as a manufacturer are treated equally with the Seller's assurances. However, the Seller is not liable if they did not know about these assurances or could not have known them, or if these assurances could not have influenced the Consumer's decision to conclude the sales agreement, as well as if the content of these assurances was corrected before the conclusion of the sales agreement.

The Seller is liable under warranty if a physical defect is discovered within two years from the day of delivery of the item to the Customer.

In the case of a Consumer, the Customer has the right to file a complaint about the Goods if the Goods are inconsistent with the Sales Agreement.

In the case of complaints, the Consumer may submit their complaint via email to [email protected] or to the Seller's registered office address. The complaint should include:

  • a. Customer's data (name, surname, address, email address, phone number);
  • b. Order number;
  • c. description of the complaint;
  • d. photos of the defective Goods (if possible).

The Seller will respond to the Customer's complaint immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date of submission. The Seller may contact the Customer to clarify the reasons for the complaint.

If the Customer is a Consumer, they have the right to request that the Seller:

  • a. replace the Goods with goods free of defects;
  • b. repair the Goods;
  • c. reduce the price;
  • d. withdraw from the contract (only if the Seller is unable to fulfill the complaint in accordance with the first two points);


In accordance with the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 287, as amended), a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract for Goods purchased in the Store without giving a reason, by submitting a written statement within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the Goods (i.e., from the date the Goods were received by the Consumer). To meet this deadline, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send the statement before it expires.

The Consumer may withdraw from the contract by submitting a statement of withdrawal to the Seller. A sample statement is attached as Appendix No. 1 to these regulations.

The withdrawal statement should be sent to the following address: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów. The Consumer must return the Goods to the Seller within fourteen (14) days from the date of withdrawal from the contract. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send the Goods back before the deadline expires.

Returns should be made to the Seller's address: Biechów 72B, 28-133 Pacanów. The Seller will refund all payments made by the Consumer, including the cost of delivering the Goods, within fourteen (14) days from the date of receiving the statement of withdrawal from the contract. However, the refund will not occur until the Goods are received back or the Consumer provides proof of return shipment.

The Seller will refund the payment using the same method of payment used by the Consumer. The Consumer bears the costs of returning the Goods to the Seller.

The right of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement does not apply to the Consumer in relation to contracts: a. for the provision of goods that are not prefabricated, produced according to the Consumer's specifications, or intended to meet the Consumer's individual needs; b. for the provision of goods that spoil quickly or have a short shelf life; c. for the provision of goods delivered in sealed packaging that cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons if the packaging has been opened after delivery; d. for the provision of goods that, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items after delivery; e. for the provision of audio or video recordings or computer programs delivered in sealed packaging if the packaging has been opened after delivery; f. for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals, or magazines, except for subscription contracts; g. for the provision of goods whose price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, which the entrepreneur cannot control, and which may occur before the withdrawal period expires; h. for the delivery of digital content not recorded on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the Consumer's explicit consent before the withdrawal period expires and after the entrepreneur has informed them about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

The right of withdrawal from a distance contract does not apply to entities other than Consumers, as defined for the purposes of these regulations (see the definition of "Consumer").


If the complaint procedure does not yield the expected result for the Consumer, the Consumer may take advantage of, among others:

    1. Mediation conducted by the appropriate regional Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection, to which one should submit a request for mediation. In principle, the procedure is free of charge. A list of Inspectorates is available at: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq595.
    2. Assistance from the appropriate regional permanent consumer arbitration court operating at the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection, to which one should submit a request for the case to be considered by the arbitration court. In principle, the procedure is free of charge. A list of courts is available at: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq596.
    3. Free assistance from the municipal or district consumer ombudsman.
    4. The online ODR platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


The regulations define the rules for the conclusion and execution of the Sales Agreement for the Goods available on the Store's website.
The Sales Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
The regulations are available to all Customers in electronic form on the website of the store dtftransfer.com.
To use the Store's Services, it is necessary to have devices that allow access to the Internet and a web browser capable of displaying web pages, as well as providing an email address that enables the transmission of information regarding the order's fulfillment.
All individuals, including Customers, are prohibited from posting illegal content on the Store's website.
In matters not regulated by these regulations, the relevant provisions of universally applicable law apply.
The regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of the Customer, who is a Consumer, granted to them under absolutely binding provisions of law. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the regulations and the absolutely binding provisions of law granting rights to consumers, the latter shall prevail.
If any provision of these regulations is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions of the regulations remains unaffected. In such a case, the Parties shall replace the invalid or ineffective provision with another that reflects the intended economic purpose as closely as possible. This also applies to any potential gaps in the regulations.